Residential Roofing Installation & Repair Services

Affordable and reliable roofing company in Springfield MA

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      “I can not say enough about how good this company is and how I would recommend them to anyone who is looking for quality work. This is the second job they have done for me and their work is top notch.“

      — Virginia Brown

      Installing New Roofing On Your Home

      If you are considering new roofing for your home, you may wonder what to expect.

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      New Roof Installation Is a Significant Investment In The Value Of Your Home.

      As such, it is a good idea to understand the options that are available to you and what you should anticipate.

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      Determine Roofing Type

      One of the first steps in installing a new roof on your home is to determine the type of roofing material that will be used. Composite roofing materials are quite popular today, but if you are looking for a more traditional option, you might also consider wood shingles. You can also opt for composite shingles that reflect a traditional wooden shake appearance. If you are not certain which type of roofing material would be the right choice for your home, consulting with a professional roofer can assist you in making an informed decision.

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      Apply Roofing Underlayment

      Before composite roofing is installed, it is necessary to apply underlayment over the deck of your roof. Underlayment must be lined up in a precise manner with the edge of your roof deck. Additional underlayment may need to be installed around the ridges and hips to protect against leaks. Once in place, the underlayment is attached to the roof deck using a staple gun.

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      Preparing the Shingles

      Composite shingles will need to be prepared by removing the tabs prior to installation. This will help to prevent moisture from leaking insider or under the starting row of shingles.

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      Position and Adhering Shingles

      Shingles should always start at the eaves of your roof. Each shingle must be nailed into place with the use of galvanized roofing nails. Once the first row is completed, the next row will be positioned over the first row so that the tabs overlap. The shingles are then nailed into place and the process is repeated once again. It is imperative that shingles be cut specifically to fit odd areas where moisture could potentially seep into your roofing. Shingles must also be nailed over the ridges of the roof so that they curve over the edges. Flashing may also need to be installed in certain areas, including near chimneys, to prevent leaks.

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      Installing new roofing can be a major investment

      it is one that can improve the value of your home and protect your home from the elements in the future. An expert in roof repair in Springfield, MA can assist you in determining which type of roofing product is best for your needs and provide you with reliable, professional installation.

      At Major Home Improvements, we specialize in providing the highest quality roofing services throughout Western MA.

      It takes 10 seconds to request Your Free Estimate.

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