Matching Shingles to the Color of your Home

The shingle color and the siding color play a very important role when it comes to the exterior appearance of your home. You might have accents like window shutters, lights, and other such installations, but nothing can really compete with the dominance of both the shingles and siding. Naturally, you need to choose colors that make your home look flattering …

The Proper Way to Remove Roof Shingles

Installing a new roof can be a challenging task, but if you are up to it, you can save a great deal of money. Before you can install new roofing shingles, however, you need to remove the old ones. Following the proper procedure to remove old shingles will set you up for installing the new ones, so take the time …

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How to Avoid Black Streaks on Your Shingled Roof

Nothing is worse than looking up at your roof to find that it is covered with black streaks and stains. These stains can mar the appearance of your roof and make even a brand-new roof look old. But where do these black streaks come from, and how can you avoid them? Causes of Black Streaks on Roofs The black streaks …